Monday, December 29

Saturday, December 27
New found love
"Mateo is on a mission to make the world feel again."
“People don’t feel anything anymore..."
"Back in the day, it wasn’t about crazy runs. For example with Donny Hathaway, it was all about his voice and not the beat underneath it. R&B now is all about hollow hip-hop beats and simple melodies, there’s no cleverness to love songs anymore”
“I don’t want to be so affected that all I can see is the worst in everything...There’s beauty in the world, but we don’t take the time to notice it"
"If you have a passion or a dream, any road that takes you away from that is taking you away from your true self"
"[For Mateo] it’s all about the vibe, the voice, and of course…the music"
...Spoken like a true artist; a true person.
Thursday, December 18
Sunday, December 14
My heart is forever broken. :(
HAHA! shiiiiiiiii'
It's been my goal since forever at random points in my life to blog everyday
despite the kind of day I've had/been having.
I just wanted to write.
About anything: my care-free day, my frusterating test, the lame joke Jessica told me, the stupid drama people come up with, my emo-ness ness, sudden realizations and what not.
But of course, something always gets in the way.
Whether it be lame homework, annoying tiredness, or my stupid forgetful memory, I cannot keep up with myself as well as my supposed simple goal.
But actually, I've reeeally been thinking about it.
Therefore I have come to the conclusion that I simply choose not to write.
& for a while, I've been in deeep 'metacognition' and have been trying to understand why I didn't want to write.
Hlysht did it bug me, haha.
But I chose not to write about the emotional stress that I go through, good or bad.
I don't like dwelling on the shit I got; to see it everyday, to read it everyday.
Today, however, marks history.
...Haha, but I'm not going to tell you what has driven me to this epiphany (sucka). For once in my life, I don't want to know or even think about what your thinking if I were to tell you.
If you can find the revelance of Jericho/ Soo/ fish/ Edmonton? Calgary.../ September 30/ August 24/ December 11 together, than holy fck I guess I've found my soulmate. Reveal yourself!! Haha!
Tuesday, December 9
I feel so unsatisfied. My Encounter experience wasn't as fulfilling as I had hope for; I'm pretty sure that this is not resulting in my high expectations of it either. Not saying that I did not enjoy it, however. Everyone has made comparisons to YFC in saying that it is 'waaayy better', which I will agree with. The way the sessions and discussions are held and what not. But for me on a personal level, & though I did try, I was not able to let go of the things I was planning to so as to make this weekend "life changing". & I feel so shiiiiitty. After this Encounter, I wanted to become a new person and look at things even more different than I do now. I wanted/needed that inspiration that I have been longing for. I just feel so empty. I thought that I was only feeling so let down and angered last night. I woke up this morning in a better mood though! Sill no revelation though.
& I am so bummed (to say the least).
Now I am sitting on my chair still attempting to freaking finish my english essay for my project. Normally this is peace easy for me. oh btw, my teacher gave me an extension; supposed to be due exactly last week. Wth man. Words cannot illustrate how frusterated I am with myself. I want to cry just to let it all out, but I can't. I just need some sort of inspiration that doesn't occur for only one moment in the day filling that bigass void within me. Was hoping it would be Encounter...
God, I miss You.
Pleeease come back into my life.
I need to go back to who I am; who I was.
I need You.
Tuesday, November 18
what the eff ?!!
++ might i mention, i had a super chill dope time with my classmates.
pls do excuse me if you take offense but i speak for everyone when i say that i never thought i'd see the day where i can admit to having a good time with my classmates. everyone, including myself, always spoke so low of us saying how we're lame and we don't party and all that shizz. fuck that shit! since i am too GG (Good Girl) for most people, i freaking love my class for not falling into that kind of junk. cus forreal, i had sooo much fun today; the most fun i had in a whiile. & it was while organizing freaking parent teacher interviews!!
but brb! bro's kicking me off>=( but it is quite late..i shall continue later...
XOXO Gossip Girl
Sunday, November 2
Sunday, October 5
Saturday, September 27
Sunday, September 21
Dear God,
But for now - actually, for a while - please take care of them, Lord God. No one deserves that kind of a loss so soon, so unexpected. I know our relationship has been such a rollercoaster (religion 11 is some messed up junk and you know it, aha) and that I'm hella drifting away at hyper speed, but please please please help me to understand Your plan for them.
With everything going on right now, I'm sure I simply don't/can't even trust You at all right now, excuse me for being frank.
But please God, just keep them aware of your presecence. Please take exceptional care of Tito and his family please. You know how hard-hitting it is for me as well whenever anyone dies, despite how Chica's my classmate and what not. But if I'm feeling as shitty as I am right now, I can not even imagine how they're coping, to say the least. I just really wish we didn't grow so far apart, cus I don't even know how to pray anymore.
But yeah, just be with them, k?
Yeah, still in a loss for words.
I'm sorry I couldn't do my homework again:(
& yeah, I guess that's all.
Wednesday, August 27
Monday, August 25
Sunday, August 24
with a language called love
That's why my breath is felt by the deaf
And why my words are heard and confined to the ears of the blind
I, too, dream in color and in rhyme
So I guess I'm one of a kind in a full house
Cuz whenever I open my heart, my soul, or my mouth
A touch of God rains out"
- J. Ivy
Monday, August 18
Sunday, August 10
Shoot, I finally figured it out
I guess that's why I don't like it when people are sad. But still, it keeps me preoccupied; making me feel somewhat better about this world...knowing that there's a little pain in everyone. Gives the well deserved a smack in the face about reality, HAHA!
Peace bitches.
Saturday, August 9
Friday, August 8
Seeing everyone endure something so undeserving is so life-sucking, even if you were merely a pan-handler who pan-handles for drugs.
oh right
So this dude regularly stands outside our store in front of the newspaper stands just taking in the hot hot sun like a sponge got arrested today. Oh yeah, he shoots heroine in our bathroom whenever he manages to sneak in knowing he's already been kicked out. That's freaking heart wrenching, just watching it all happen in front of you: the cops arriving, searching him, cuffing him. I guess just feeling so helpless all together just gets to me all the time. Though keeping in mind that he only wanted your money to get to other worthless and meaningless shit, I still feel for the guy in a way, I guess 'for the life he ended up living' is what Evan told me.
But still. Iunno man. I can't stand it when people are sad/upset/hurting/whatever. I just feel really bad for them. Not like guilt, but like...no one should ever have to feel sad. Yeah, I'm so naive. & optimistic when it comes to other people's problems. Hahaha. I know I know, without pain there's no growth. But what about if there's too much pain? This goes out to you.
Saturday, August 2
Bahavia!!! Yahh!
& i'm pretty satisfied.
Cory in the House, fyi.
...yeah, i'm just tired of seeing that previous post. haha!
Just keepin' it real.
Sunday, July 27
'Girls should realize'
"We guys don't care if you talk to other guys.
We don't care if you're friends with other guys.
But when you're sitting next to us, and some random guy walks into the room and you jump up and tackle him, without even introducing us, yeah, it pisses us off.
It doesn't help if you sit there and talk to him for ten minutes without even acknowledging the fact that we're still there. We don't care if a guy calls >OR TEXTS<>
The sexiest thing about a girl is confidence.
Yeah, you can quote me.
Don't be mad when we hold the door open.
Take Advantage of the mood im in.
Let us pay for you!
Dont 'feel bad' We enjoy doing it.
It's expected.
Smile and say 'thank you'.
Kiss us when no one's watching.
If you kiss us when you know somebody's looking,
we'll be more impressed.
You don't have to get dressed up for us.
If we're going out with you in the first place,
you don't have to feel the need to wear the shortest skirt you have
or put on every kind of makeup you own.
We like you for who you are and not what you are.
Honestly, i think a girl looks more beautiful when she's just in her pj's.or my tshirt and boxers, not all dolled up.
Don't take everything we say seriously.
Sarcasm is a beautiful thing. See the beauty in it.
Don't get angry easily.
Stop using magazines/media as your bible.
Don't talk about how hott Chris Brown, Brat Pitt, or jesse McCartney in front of us.
It's boring, and we don't care.
You have girlfriends for that.
Whatever happened to the word 'handsome'/'beautiful'?
I'd be utterly stunned by a girl who greeted me with 'Hey handsome!' instead of 'Hey baby/stud/cutie/sexy' or whatever else you can think of. On the other hand im not sayin i woulndnt like it ether ;)
Girls, I cannot stress this enough: if you aren't being treated right by a guy, dont wait for him to change!!!!! Ditch his sorry ass, disgrace to the male population and find someone who will treat you with utter respect.
Someone who will honor your morals.
Someone who will make you smile when you're at your lows
Someone who will care for you even when you make mistakes.
Someone who will love you, no matter how bad you make them feel.
Someone who will stop what they're doing just to look you in the eyes....and say 'i love you' ..and actually mean it.
Give the nice guys a chance."
Wednesday, July 23
To dream that you have committed a murder indicates that you are putting an end to an old habit and your former ways of thinking. It could also mean an end to an addiction. To dream that you are a witness to a murder indicates deep-seated anger towards somebody. To dream that you are murdered suggests that an important relationship has been severed and you are trying to disconnect yourself from your emotions. It also represents your unused talents. Note that dreams of murder occur frequently during periods of depression.
Monday, July 21
I miss it all too much.
There's a bigass void within me
filled with the shattered things that've gone & went.
I miss you
I miss him
& you especially.
& motherfucker, you too.
With all that was said and done
I can't believe I still hurt
I still cry
I still ponder
I still wonder
Giving up
or rather, getting over.
& now there's nothing left.
I just miss everything, that's all.
What I used to have been used to
the whole, fuck-it-your-loss...
I guess not so much anymore?
'Cause now I'm losing.
& I miss...
I miss.
Tuesday, June 10

So probably the most chill exam day of my life..
Yada yada, no more chem & eng11 for the rest of my (highschool) liiiiife yo PEACE! Oh man and it rained today (L)...like the Philippines!! Dude, I was so happy, my day could not have been anymore perfect: Walking to the bustop/getting off the bus with my broken umbrella that managed to snap in half(?), wet socks, broken school flats, my oversized zip up practically drenched because of the lack of shelter, my chai steamed milk muthasuckas, an oven-heated white macadamian nut cookie...(L) x 6397873576. My perfect day. To top it off, Twilight is now officially my favorite book (my bad The Kiterunner...).
Edit - June 30, 2008
HAHA! How baks am i. Crazy ass book, but not a crazy ass writer? haha? I'll be back later
Yeah, guess I'm still a sucker:$ Read all three, the last one being the most lacking. They're actually, not as crazily written as a lot of the obsessive girls say it is, maybe cus the book's so hype now? Still, I dream.
Monday, May 26
Saturday, May 24
Saturday, May 10
Saturday, April 5
Monday, March 31
...inspirfrickenration. Yeah, I've probably watched this about a billion times now but zomg wowowow.
this past weekend was kiiiiller yo. Move'08 was dope man and the freaking workshop; cotdamn Ate Cookie props for hooking that up. Steve Bolton you're nuts man. The things you drew attention to in and out of your class today are things I'll aaalways take with me. S'not everyday you hear things that are of this much value; ahhhh I'm still so speechless man! Frick! A good kind of speechless, obvi haha. I guess being as independent as I am can be a burden and can do nothing but hold you back. Ooooohwee that's pretty big of me to say to be real. So bad, aha:S
In ways I really have lost my inspiration even though I know exactly what I want right now. Funny how that turns out, huh? I don't know, everything's so muttled up in my head right now. For now though, Aimee Lucas you're my idol. & you're freaking hot too. Hahahaha shooooot mans
Tuesday, March 25
open studio at justin's. Shiiiet, might as well have been a workshop yo! JP's and Jerome's piecees were siiick, they're insane yo. Headed to work to pick up tips so that me tin mar jp jerome kylie and justin ray could go to the moooobies!! $10 yeye=) went to metro.. cotdamn yo, justin.. you're freaking hilaaarious man HAHAHA!! all the busrides everywhere, trouble trouble trouble hahahaha oh man we were so freaking loud hahahaha! mall ratted a little only to find that our movie wasn't even playing anyway haha. so much heat for me in AA:$. . . . . . so headed to blockbuster then ming's. eff yo, "haballoween": the most messed up shit i've ever seen. this is why i'm up right now oh man, for once i'm too scared to sleep! lllooolllll.
now, gotta head back to reality. forreal though man, thank you Lord Jesus for the most chill day ever. I haven't enjoyed myself this much in so long...HAHAHA! for once as well, i don't want srping break to end:(:( cus this time, i didn't waste it=)=
Friday, March 21
Tuesday, March 18
Friday, March 14
So I guess my new line is...
So when's the first time you fell in love with dance?
Monday, March 10
So without math I'm screwed; I only got 3 provincial exams:
A - Choral Music/History 12
B - Lit 12
C - CE 12
D - Writing 12
E - (Spare)
F - History/French 12
G - Eng 12
H - Art/IT 12
J - Chamber Choir 12
AP Eng
If Wong hadn't been such a pain in the ass then it would've been like:
A - Choral Music/History 12
B - Lit 12
C - CE 12
D - Ma 12
E - Bio 12
F - History/Fr 12
G - Calc 12
H - Eng 12
J - Chamber Choir 12
AP Eng, AP Calc
For now it looks like I have to drop choir to ensure that I have 4 provincials? Daaaaaym. & we're touring Europe next year! Plus 3 < +>I've been waiting for History ever since the 7th grade (HAHA:$) but at the same time I don't want waste my time taking French in university=\ FFFF yo, I hate school. I hate life. So much for the previously delightful weekend:'(
In the meantime however...
I want to find my hip hop. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Brown Sugar = Best movie ever (tied with Love & Basketball). Counting down for the long weekend...
Tuesday, March 4
"In the center and the middle is the main dwelling place
where the very secret between God and the soul take place"
- Saint Teresa of Avila
Monday, February 25
So enough with the negative
Tomorrow's judgement day. AKA, picking of the final individuals who have the potential to excel in this art. AKA... COTDAMN, YO we just gettin' starrrrted.
Saturday, February 16
Sunday, February 10
Wednesday, February 6
Friday, February 1
that can't even be a question no more,
For it trully is a statement now.
Cause we're so fucked up
& we couldn't care less
or we're just too blind to notice
for we limit what lies ahead
casting off our fears and first impressions
Cause we're just too damn stupid
& abuse all that's laid before us.
Just thinking about how brutal the youth have been throughout this year.. Seems like as often as necessary, someone's gotta be added to the line of RIP's...
I'll be praying despite whateva.
RIP CP, BC, MC<3333
I just miss you so much right now Ninang, keep 'em safe up there
"...their lives were stole
now we'll never know
We were here all together yesterday"
Sunday, January 27
oppurtunity's a' knockin
A typical weekday of the life Abigail Therese De Guzman Soriano Solis consists of:
05:30 wake up for Chamber
06:30 board the bus to escuela
07: 00 Chamber
08:30 - 03:00 l'ecole (yuck)
03:00 - 05:00 Dance Squad or Choir
05:00 - 09:00 Workskies yeye
09:30 - 11:00 SICK STYLZ SYMPHONY PRACTICE (Fridays)
10:00 - 05:30 (attempts of) Homework/sudying/sleep
& begin again!
Used to complain about all o' that, having only maaybe 3 hours of sleep a night (if i'm lucky):S
But with the new additions of work and dance, fcuk it, I'll be a freaking robot for all i care
I love work, my staff is so chill & they make it hella fun
Dance... s'it. Nothing in the world that can amount to my love and passion for it.
Sick Stylz Symphony, holla (more info to come)
I tried out for XSS Varsity team for Worlds? Can't really tell yet if that was successful or not, aha. I danced with the hugest effing headache which i let keep me back & it showed:S:S
(And yes, the headache was the result of lack of sleep/nutrition)
I'll do anything for those two things. HAHA YUP! Even work:$..............
But umm, I should be taking advantage of my weekend for sleep
so i'll make this pretty later (pretty enough fo' ya?)
Point is
I've finally found my balance
PS, 9:30 - 11 (in the night time) practices just for dance: now ain't that G
i'm fcuken livin the good life for sheeezz
Saturday, January 19
Monday, January 14
Sunday, January 6
Fambam fun?..
"Mom, you have no eyeborws"
"No seriously, all i see is eyeliner"
"Not even a HINT of any brow hairs"
"Becose i don't like dem tick and bussy!!"
"...so you'd rather have just eyeliner & no eyebrows at all?.."
"HAHAHA! Ma, you got owned once again."
"Ate! Ate! you know my friend Christian tickles me like this..."
"You know when a boy tickles you, they just want to flirt with you ;)"
"There ma, i fixed your fricken rosary"
"Thank you"
"...now go say sorry to Mary"
"HAHHAHAHAHAHA! you're stupid."
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................................................
on a side note,
Bee, why do you keep trippin' over somethin you know's already there??
bad boys yeye, so literal yet so insightful. chiiiiill bee chill
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .....................................................
one last thing,
HAHAHAHAHA! ohmygaash
Saturday, January 5
Just why my head's not bowed.
I don't shout or jump about
Or have to talk real loud.
When you see me passing
It ought to make you proud.
I say,
It's in the click of my heels,
The bend of my hair,
the palm of my hand,
The need of my care,
'Cause I'm a woman
Phenomenal woman,
That's me.
- Maya Angelou
Friday, January 4
She said THAT? I can't believe she just said that.
...you just HAD to ASSUME and follow the talk of the town.
But I guess that's to be expected.
...cus only mama knows best, huh?
Funny how you don't know a thing about me thank you very much, cus aaall you think you know, is the (false) side of me.
Because even I'm not THAT stupid enough to go about things in the ways you think i do. I don't judge people like you do
& that's a whooole lot
Which is why i deserve atleast a shitload better than your perceptions of me.
Wednesday, January 2
JAN 14th
3-7pm, OAK & 22nd
yee that's right, hella getting off school early 'cus the dopest manager in town hired me suckaas HAHA!
COME VISIT ME while i just read a whole lotta SHIT MY FIRST DAY!!
It gon' be a paaarty up in thur, yeo
... & thus the stress commenced...........
while i be makin' some moonies!!
so fuck that shiiet
... for now